May 21 2020
Encore's Editorial Team

Hint: It’s not about the platform Over the last two months (though it certainly feels much longer), our industry has frantically been pivoting live events to virtual event formats. For many, this meant rapidly researching a vast array of streaming providers, web conference solutions, and virtual event platforms. In the process, it’s also meant a …

Creating Value: Partnership through the Pandemic

Apr 23 2020
Encore's Editorial Team
Necessity is the mother of all invention, and our current environment has introduced more challenges into our personal and professional lives than anyone could have predicted.    Be it as a planner, partner, or provider in the live events industry, how do we continue to provide value to our customers in a time when we cannot meet face to face? For ...

Face-to-Face Meetings – Can They Be Replaced?

Apr 16 2020
Encore's Editorial Team
The current environment across the globe has presented the meetings and events industry with a clear focus on virtual opportunities. As a result, there are some natural questions that come to mind. Are virtual meetings the new normal? Will they ultimately replace live meetings? And, can people do without face-to-face events? The answer is understandably ...

Support: What Technology Can’t Replace

Jan 23 2020
Encore's Editorial Team
In our series on event Wi-Fi, we’ve uncovered the mysteries of determining bandwidth and the infrastructure that supports it. And while those two aspects are certainly critical to the process, neither one of them would be able to function without a talented group of people pulling the strings. So, the third and final piece to ...

Infrastructure: The Building Block of Event Internet

Dec 5 2019
Encore's Editorial Team
In the first post of our series on meeting Wi-Fi, we broke down bandwidth and the myths around how much you actually need for your meetings. But without a quality infrastructure, bandwidth would never reach the devices – laptops, tablets, smartphones – that we all use. In this second part of our series, we’re looking ...

Think Outside the Ballroom

Oct 24 2019
Encore's Editorial Team
Grand ballrooms, exhibit halls, breakout rooms one, two, and three. Been there, done that? If you feel that way, that means your customers do, too. These days, customers want options! An atypical location brings something new and exciting to the table, and venues can’t just be reactive to requests for creative meeting spaces anymore. They ...